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6/24 (Friday) 15: 00-20: 00

We will have a party with Tattoo artist Teji. Everyone is welcome.

Offering natural wine is Wineshop SAPO

and made with seasonal vegetables

Lettuce Warriors (from SVC)

looking forward to!

6/25 (Sat) / 26 (Sun) 13: 00-20: 00

Sale of hand-painted items by teji. You can also see a secret note filled with the funny and fantastic world of teji.

6/24(金) 15:00-20:00

Tattoo artist teji を迎えてパーティーを開催します。どなたも大歓迎。

ナチュラルワインの提供はWineshop SAPO、旬の野菜で作るオードブルは

Lettuce Warriors(from SVC)


6/25(土)/26(日) 13:00-20:00



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